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239 posts found, page 1 of 16

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Add stuff to HTML head)
Thanks, David. I will use the Metatags app's option.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Add stuff to HTML head)

Hi, David.

How can I add code on head in index.html via App builder manually?

I develop PWA app.Your AB didn't generate some code that PWA need.


Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)
Great,David. Thank you.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)
For my solution,I force to use cordova android 10.1.1.(dunno why cordova alway select 9.1.0 as a latest version. )

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)
Hi,David. Yes,It true like that.Because cordova.lib select ^9.1.0 to use.And the lastest template will be bug with API 30 (cause whitelist block).They remove cordova-plugin-whitelist that will be cause bug in AB. to fix it.if it compile with cordova android 9.1.0.cordova-plugin-whitelist plugin need to add manual. ref https://cordova.apache.org/news/2021/10/31/template-release.html

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: App Builder build programs)
$OUTPUT_DIR$cordova_android_run.bat can be fix this.Thank you,David

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)

I still dunno why app builder still use cordova-android 9.1.0 (not 10.1.1) when I remove version to force use. Try to remove cordova cli and install again,not fix it. check sdk-tool by update it via android studio,not fix it.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: App Builder build programs)

in App option => build on 2021.62 I set it working.

on 2021.63 it run on system32 path,not in compiled.

But can be manual run it.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)
Thank you,David.Your code work!

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Apache Cordova version)

Does Appbuilder still use cordova 9?

I try to force it to use cordova 10 and got a bug from camera plugin.Your sample project cannot show image after take screen shot.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: PWA apps on Apple iOS)
Hi David,I know I can add that code in project.I suggest this code to add to default all compile project when user select PWA.It will solve output on all ios (grid bug status bar). thank you.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: PWA apps on Apple iOS)

Hi David,

Long time no see, I already upgrade the license. it look great on new version, last version I have been use is 2019.

Now I update license to focus on PWA Project.

On IOS, please this code when compile to remove status bar back grid

on metatag header.

ref. https://medium.com/appscope/changing-the-ios-status-bar-of-your-progressive-web-app-9fc8fbe8e6ab

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Camera 3 sample)

Yes, David. Please copy your server side solution too for other people who have the same problem.

For a solution on client side to show image as it expect is to use javascript 'load-image.js' by insert function before image show

here is a js file that have loadImage function.


ref :



Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: Camera 3 sample)
But Input File.. have a problem with photo orientation on many device (samsung,huawei,xiaomi,etc.).You need to fix by read exif data in photo to determine what the real orientation is.Camera have a problem too,but can be fix by config.

Tinn Aphopchung (In thread: About Cordova Camera plugin configuration)
Yes.I already try Correct = True.It not work for me.Most of samsung device still rotated.I will try AllowEdit and give a result. Thank you,David.#SamsungCameraRotateBug

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