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276 posts found, page 17 of 19

Guest (In thread: Wait... loading website)

Hi David_

Is possible to add new feature within AB like a loader?
A loader while my website is getting ready.

I dont want to show anything in my website
until everything is loaded.

I hope we can do it with AB.

Guest (In thread: Use BlueStacks To Test Your Android File)

@David, there is another platform that you must be aware of you: Basic4Android. They have B4A Bridge Android Application which we need to install on our Android Phone. This Bridge gets connected with the Debugger and then the application runs on SmartPhone device but the debugger shows errors, warnings on PC IDE.

I am not sure how they have built the Bridge Application, but this idea is surely worth to consider if you're thinking of making App Builder as a serious Hybrid App Building platform.

Let me tell you one thing though... testing application this way has a serious impact on phone. If you're developing an App that deals with the core Android Service, it can break the OS of your phone. So, personally I prefer to test application in Simulator and then have a final run on actual device.

Guest (In thread: Use BlueStacks To Test Your Android File)

BlueStack is good but it takes up lot of system resources. Plus, it ramdomly popups up a window asking us to download and install their "Friend Company APK files" in order to continue using BlueStack for free OR pay for the paid version to use it without advertising.

If you're familiar with Oracle Virtual Box then there are much better alternatives available for you. But believe me, nothing beats Live Testing; and what it takes really?! Just connect your Android phone to your PC via USB cable, transfer your APK to your SD Card, make sure you allow installation of Apps from "Unknown Sources" in your Android Settings and you're done.

Guest (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)

Al llegar a casa lo probaré y te aviso que tal anda

Ok, y con esta pregunta...

Los separadores, headers se agregan por codigo
o desde el panel de opciones del objeto?

Muchas gracias

Guest (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)

Gracias David,
Última duda... aún no lo he probado, pero

Los separadores, headers se agregan por codigo
o desde el panel de opciones del objeto?

Para deshabilitar un elemento, cómo lo hago?

Guest (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)

Hola David
En el ejemplo del Dropdown que viene con AB, sólo sale
la acción de cómo agregar nuevos items al inicio y al final
del Dropdown.

Me gustaría saber si a un Dropdown le puedo agregar lo siguiente.
- Separadores
- Deshabilitar items del Dropdown
- Dropdown Header

Estas opciones las he visto aquí, te comparto el link
para ver si puedo hacer esto con AB.

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda

Guest (In thread: How to install and be ready with Apache Cordova and the Android SDK)

Hey Thanks David, right now I've followed your suggestion on the best guide online on installing cordova.

npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\
node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "cordova"
npm ERR! node v5.6.0
npm ERR! npm v3.6.0
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno EACCES
npm ERR! syscall connect

npm ERR! Error: connect EACCES
npm ERR! at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11)
npm ERR! at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:879:20)
npm ERR! at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1053:14)
npm ERR! { [Error: connect EACCES]
npm ERR! code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! errno: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! syscall: 'connect',
npm ERR! address: '',
npm ERR! port: 443 }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Samuel\npm-debug.log

I'll let you know, thank you again.

Guest (In thread: How to install and be ready with Apache Cordova and the Android SDK)

Hi hello guys, not sure if is okay for me to post this question or comment here.
I just found AppBuilder the other day, but honestly I'm not familiar with cordova.
I did not know that cordova was needed in order to compile the final app from AppBuilder.
I tried to compile a simple plain app, but I get the following error:

'cordova' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cordova' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cordova' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .

Then I downloaded "apache-ant-1.9.6-bin" and extract it, but then I don't know where
to place this folder so I can begin with the installation, could you guys help me a bit ?
All java dependencies are installed on my computer as I have android studio installed.
I need to install cordova...
Thanks in advance.

Guest (In thread: {ISSUE} File browser and file selection)


I am following the tutorials as I am pretty new and I have to say you've done an amazing job with AppBuilder! But I have run into a few issues. Using v 2016.71 on Windows 10.

1. When I debug a new app, in the tutorial you go to a preview window that already the address Where is this in version 2016.71? The preview Window is always blank (white). I opened Chrome and entered but it's displaying an old app, not the one I am working on. How do I refresh Chrome to preview current app?

2. In most all browse File Windows, I can't go up any higher than the Windows Desktop folder level. I have multiple hard-drives and I can't browse to them.

3. App Options > Cordova > Splash ... I cant select either folder to browse directories at all! Same with Interface > Icon > File Path.


Guest (In thread: Corrupt for webapp)

2 two questions, why do I keep getting a corrupt zip when I try and extract the zip file, and do I have to put the webapp on a webserver or can I just drag and drop the index.html file into a browser?

Guest (In thread: Vaciar la cache de la APP)

Hola, ya estoy por aqui de nuevo trasteando APPBuilder...

Me he encontrado con que al crear un Iframe y probar la APP compilada (visto en otro hilo), no actualiza las paginas visitadas o tarda en cargarlas.

Tras entrar en la configuracion del telefono y vaciar los datos de la aplicacion, la APP vuelve a cargar los datos actualizados. Hay alguna forma de evitar que la APP genere datos en el telefono y que simplemente se comporte como un navegador?. Podria hacerse eliminando continuamente los datos de la "cache" de alguna manera?.

Guest (In thread: HttpClient OPTIONS en vez de GET)

Perdona, pero con la velocidad que me has respondido no me ha dado tiempo a modificar mi respuesta.

Ya funciona tal y como he cambiado en el post anterior.


Guest (In thread: HttpClient OPTIONS en vez de GET)

Hola David,

Primero, darte las gracias por tu pronta respuesta.

Segundo confirmarte que, efectivamente, se trataba de un problema con los permisos CORS. He habilitado CORS y configurado las cabeceras y ya funciona correctamente.

En mi caso estaba usando http-server sobre npm y he tenido que usar el parámetro:

Una vez más, gracias.

Guest (In thread: HttpClient OPTIONS en vez de GET)


He empezado a "cacharrear" con la aplicación (versión 2016.61 25/01/2016 sin registrar) que me parece muy sencilla e interesante para hacer RAD/prototipos pero me he atascado con lo primero que he intentado y no entiendo el porqué:


Descargar una imagen de un servidor local y mostrarla en un control [em]Image[/em]


En la petición al servidor, aunque se le especifica que sea un [em]GET[/em], manda un [em]OPTIONS[/em]


En la vista que se crea automáticamente en una nueva aplicación ([em]NuevaVista1[/em]) he puesto:
- Un control HttpClient ([em]HttpClient1[/em])
- Un control Image ([em]Image1[/em])

En el evento [em]Show[/em] de [em]Nuevavista1[/em] el siguiente código:

En el evento [em]Success[/em] de [em]HttpClient1[/em]:


[img=OPTIONS ERROR][/img]

Estas son las trazas en Chrome:


Guest (In thread: Configuracion para utilización de perifericos: bluetooth)

Es complicado desarrollar el complemento para tu programa que incluya el bluetooth?

Como usuario final, sin apenas conocimientos, podría desarrollar complementos para integrarlos yo mismo a App Buider?.

Has echo referencia a utilizar código insertado de cordova, supongo que te refieres a cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial. Solo he llegado a integrar el plugin con el comando "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial" y añadirlo a las opciones del programa "cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial". A partir de ahí, todo parece "ciencia ficción".

Dispones de algún ejemplo que se vea como integrar plugins del cordova dentro del código de la aplicación?

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