I must be doing something centrally wrong. I have opened up a fresh and clean instance of PushPlugin.ab and make the single change in it to set the HttpSetUrl to https instead of http. I then compile the app and go into the compiled folder and click on cordova_android_run.bat but I am getting the following error:
I am assuming that the error that is breaking it is referring to minSdkVersion but I am not sure where that is set? Any ideas?
PeteWell, I have had a productive week as I now have all of the google mapping stuff working and I also hit a home run with instant messaging and have it working using a firebase realtime database back-end. Thanks for all of your help in getting this far!
One of my final hurdles is to get push notifications working. I have started by trying to get the PushPlugin sample working (AB1) so that I can figure it all out. As soon as the app runs on my phone I get the error about registering. I can see that this is coming from the RegisterPush function. I also see in your example description:
I can see the extra XML code as mentioned but the custom plugin text box in Cordova -> General is empty. Should there be something defined in this box? What do I need to do to get this sample working so that I can start to create my own solution?
Cheers, PeteI can't thank you enough for all of your help, I am finally starting to get a handle on this! I think that I have a handle on all of my mapping requirements now and will spend some time polishing it, then on to instant messaging.
Cheers, PeteMany thanks David!
I would like to push some of the marker data into the infowindow. In your sample, you are putting the markersInfo[i] into a var called info and you are using info.VesselName to set the title of the marker. However, since the info window is defined in it's own function, the info var is not defined within that function and is not available. How would I access the data related to that vessel inside the info window?
I would need to defined the contentStr with something like:
I really appreciate your help as I am struggling with this. I have adapted an earlier sample that you sent me to try and fast track this. In View 1 I have a google map with a marker and infowindow. On view 2 I have a firestore query that returns two objects.
What I am trying to do is to leave the existing marker on the map on View 1 but also show two more markers based off of the query return along with infowindows for those markers with vessel name in infowindow. If you could let me know what I am doing wrong, it would be fantastic as I am spinning my wheels on this.
Sample: Download
Cheers, PeteThanks for your help, I feel that I am close but am getting an undefined error.I went with your js example:
I tried to replace your sample array source with the objects returned from the firebase query:
The results of the console log: console.log(window.App.RootScope.SourceObjects); is returning what appears to be valid objects:
However, we I run the view and view the console I am getting an error: TypeError: window.App.RootScope.SourceObjects is undefined. The line that seems to be causing this error is:
for (var i = 0; i < window.App.RootScope.SourceObjects.length; i++)
This is confusing to me because it seems that SourceObjects must be defined since I can view it in the console log and my code is very similar to yours which works. Any ideas?
Cheers, PeteNot sure if it is useful, but here is the full view show code:
I am making good progress on the Google mapping stuff and have maps that are showing single markers with popup info windows that contain a more details link that takes the user to another view with the relevant details. (Thanks for your help in getting that working)
I am now working on a view that returns a firebase query of vessels and displays each of them as a marker in the view google map.
I have multiple markers showing right now in the map but the markers are defined in a manually coded array
My query results however are returned as objects rather than an array and I am at a loss how to create a similar array as above but with the returned object data.
Below you can see the code in the view code that returns the objects and you can see that I am currently writing the results to the console which is shown in the bottom code block.
Here is the console log text:
Any advice on converting the returned objects to an array would be hugely appreciated!
Cheers, PeteEverybody can read the DecSoft support forum for learning purposes, however only DecSoft customers can post new threads. Purchase one or more licenses of some DecSoft products in order to give this and other benefits.