Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56

Ryan Sytsma
I upgraded to 2019.56 today, and the AB install need to be registered again. I entered my Username and Serial number but the credentials are not getting saved. 2019.56 continues to show "Unregistered"

Samuel Vanneste

2019.56 seems to be a major release (the update killed my registration too), it seems to require buying a license again. Your current license will work with versions above.

DecSoft offers a discount to buy the new license, as I understood it.

Ryan Sytsma
Hi Samuel. I went from 2019.55 to 2019.56. Is that a major release?

Samuel Vanneste
Hello Ryan,
I really don't know and just experienced the same behaviour with the software. David could better reply about.

Ryan Sytsma
Thank you for your help


Hello to all

First of all, sorry for the possible inconveniences. Ryan, I miss to update your license serial number: your license is not outdated, and you can grab the new serial number from your DecSoft customer area. If you have any trouble, just contact me or post it here and I will try to help you.

Samuel, certainly, your license appear outdated, but, as you know, never expired: you can certainly upgrade the license (with a 50% off discount) from your DecSoft customer area, but, you can also download the latest outdated major release, so you can continue using your current license if you wanted.

Ryan Sytsma
Thank you David. Will a license go outdated each time I upgrade to a "dot" release?


Hello Ryan,

No; the licenses become outdated (if required) after a major upgrade only, not on every release! This information is placed in the program's history, that is, if we are talking about a major release or not, however, to give an idea, months must be passed until a possible major upgrade is released. And anyway you can always contact me in case of some problems, so I will try to help you.

Ryan Sytsma
Thank you!

You're welcome, Ryan! :-)

Peter Bradstreet
Hi David, Looks like I have the same issue. Do I need to buy an upgrade? Cheers, Pete


Hello Peter,

Please, sorry any possible inconvenience: your license has not been outdated in the last major release, I just forget to update your serial number. Please, grab your new serial number from your DecSoft customer area and post here if you have any trouble with it.

Peter Bradstreet
Perfect, many thanks. Pete


No problem, Peter! :-)

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