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DecSoft (In thread: Background Image)

Hello Donald,

The CSS style which every control exposes correspond with the appropiate CSS rule. Assigning values to that CSS properties are valid for the specific control and no others. About the "background-attachment", please, take a look at this article in W3Schools. Also in that article you can see the syntax for the "background-image", which is something like this:

That is, what we need to put in the "background-image" editbox is "url('w3css.gif')" (without double quotes) and, in the case of our applications, something like this, if we previously added the image for the background using the app's file's manager:

If you use the CSS properties of an app's view, then such CSS properties are applied to such view only. If you use the app's CSS properties, then the background appear in all app's views.

Let me to say that W3Shools is a good site in order to learn about CSS and their rules. However, if you have any further question, you know, don't hesitate to post it here Donald.

DecSoft (In thread: Customize the current app's themes and create new ones)

Hello Donald,

Few more on this subect:

Are the css files from a library of css files that you used? I'm assuming you did not create them yourself. (nobody has that much time)

The default app's theme is Bootstrap CSS with very little modifications. The other includes themes are downloaded from and used again with very little modifications. These modifications are basically changing the icon's fonts location.

Is there certain criteria involved with using a public or purchased css file? Would any that claim to be a bootstrap based css file work?

I think that depends on the CSS author. Both Bootstrap CSS and themes from exists under the MIT license, and open source license which also allow us to use it in commercial projects, for example.

The better choice is to maintain all the required stuff in just one CSS file, just like the default Bootstrap CSS theme and also the includes themes. Other projects like "templates" can contains stuff we really don't need.

Which is higher on the list for final results, the css file or inlinecss? I assume the latter.

For little modifications, hacks, media queries (to react on different screen sizes) I think "Inline CSS" can be good. In fact there is a problem with that name. "Inline CSS" is not placed "inline" in the app's index.html file, but in a CSS file, just like if we include one of them. So we can use "Inline CSS" without space limitations or something like that.

If we plain, however, to modify a theme not only for one application, or just want to use certain complete CSS file(s), well, we can do it without problems. And therefore both options are not exclusives, then we can include CSS files and also write some specific "hacks" in the "Inline CSS" app's option.

Also it appears the Bootstrap customizer allows you to create your own css file. Is that how you created them? Can a current theme be uploaded and modified?

About the first question the answer is no: for App Builder I use the Bootstrap CSS the themes with very little modifications as I mentioned above. Honestly I don't know if we can upload a theme to be modified: probably not, since the tools works in the contrary way: they produces themes from certain code/variables, but probably the generator can't parse an already produced theme to obtain their sources/variables. Really I don't know.

I see there there are bootstrap themes available on the web. Most look like they are for websites, do they still work with the apps?

Yes, in principle, it's no reason to use it. However, CSS is very powerful, in the sense that CSS can change enterily the apparence of a control, etc. Then some themes can be more "usables" in applications. I think we can play with the fact that we can add CSS files as themes in the AB's themes directory, then we can take a look at the results very quickly. But a site like is appreciated, since they include in the website the final apparence of the available themes.

Also I did find the ones included as well. Very nice ones and would make a good link:


Yes; certainly we need certain "don" to produce these kind of stuff. I means that when I start a webpage, commonly, I start with "black and white" or maybe some "gray scale". Why? Because my "don" to play with colors, etc., is very limited, I recognize that. The guy beyond can play with colors, etc., then can provide various useful themes ready to be used in our applications.

DecSoft (In thread: Customize the current app's themes and create new ones)

Hello Donald,

Thanks for posting. App Builder's themes can be found in the below directory path:

They are all Bootstrap CSS themes from Bootswatch. Every CSS file placed in the refered directory is taken as a theme by App Builder and then listed in the app's options dialog and elegibles to be included and used.

CSS is an entire world... and Bootstrap CSS offer a way to be customized has we can read in their website:

Maybe you can wanted to modify an existing theme or create a new one by yourself. If you need some further help you know can post here whatever you wanted sir.

DecSoft (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)


Lo de arriba ya lo probé yo y como digo no funciona como se espera. Entiendo que se realiza cierta limpieza del código HTML que queremos incluir como elementos del menú, pero, tengo que estudiar porqué motivo y cómo podría evitarse.

Respecto de los separadores (estos sí funcionan como se espera) puede añadirlos en tiempo de diseño o en tiempo de ejecución: como cualquier otro elemento del Array que compone los elementos del menú.

Por ejemplo, si arrastra un "DropDown" al diseñador, hace doble clic en él y simplemente pega el siguiente código:

Podrá ver que los separadores aparecen tal como se espera.

DecSoft (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)


En principio iba a decirle que podríamos intentar deshabilitar un elemento usando su ID, esto es, por ejemplo, si tenemos este elemento:

La idea sería usar la acción "AddClass" de este modo:

Sin embargo, esta misma idea no funciona. Por alguna razón que no acabo de comprender (no estoy en mi ordenador "de desarrollo") App Builder está ignorando las clases de los elementos.

Así pues la única respuesta que puedo darle ahora mismo es que tengo que revisar este asunto en cuanto pueda. Como una alternativa podría, simplemente, no tener en cuenta los "click" en los elementos que considere deshabilitados.

No obstante, como digo, quisiera echar un vistazo a este asunto en cuanto me sea posible, de modo que le mantendré informado en este mismo hilo sobre cualquier posible progreso.

DecSoft (In thread: {Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom)


After more than 14 hours in an hospital one feel tired. Now supose how the people who are into the hospital all the day can feel...

The good news today is that my mom probably still in the hospital in which she is right now, that is, probably it's not needed to translate it into another hospital (which means more problems to me too). Maybe the friday she can come into home, which is something nobody wanted more than she itself. And then me too.

DecSoft (In thread: Dropdown y otras opciones)

Hola taringaso,

Sí; ciertamente, podrías usar el siguiente "item" para mostrar un separador:

Como no es posible añadir items iguales (duplicados) siempre es posible variar un poco el código anterior para que no haya problema con eso:

También puedes usar el resto de clases que ofrece Bootstrap CSS, de hecho, como ya sabes, App Builder se basa en Bootstrap CSS, lo que nos permite cierto juego, por ejemplo, usando un control como el "HTML", puesto que ahí podemos añadir prácticamente cualquier cosa.

Ojalá esta respuesta te sirva de algo.

DecSoft (In thread: {Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom)


Some advances. Tomorrow is an important day, since the doctors decide to move my mom into another hospital (to their rehabilitation) or move into their home to follow there the rehabiliation process. If the first thing happend... this complicated the things to me too, since this other hospital is far away than the currently one.

Also some complications about the other health problems has been detected in the latest test. But this is another story... and firstly we need to be concentrated in their broken huckle.

Just for anyone who are interested.

DecSoft (In thread: IOS Apps, how to get them on the devices)

Thanks for sharing Donald, I will take a look as soon as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Justification of Labels)

Hello Donald,

This is quite strange. The push button's text appear centered by default... how you get a button with their label not centered? Can you provide me a little sample application?

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)


How would I use code like this to set the style to orange

What the above CSS code means is "apply these 'background-color' and 'color' CSS rules to all elements with the class ".jumbotron". If you put that code in the "Inline CSS" app's option or in one CSS file added to the app too, then, yes, all elements with the class "jumbotron" change their apparence to the specified style.

But since in this thread we start to talking about app's themes, then maybe we have some mistake here. In order to switch to another app's theme we must use the "SetAppTheme" action (once we include the themes we wanted using the the app's options dialog), but we can't change the app's theme using CSS code.

We can modify the current theme using CSS. All the CSS rules we define in the app's "Inline CSS" option or an external CSS file are applied to the current app's theme.

Hope this can help you in some way Donald, but please, post below whatever other questions you have.

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)

Hello to all,

Thanks for the feedback from both ya'll.

Here is what I discovered. If you have a background color specified on any view (in my case 4th view) it will dominate the rest of the app. The text and other attributes change as required but the color gets overwritten,

What say you?

In fact if we use the object inspector to establish the "background-color" (or any other CSS rule) of an app's view, they are only applied to that view. Probably what happend is you change to the "View4", but, don't select it (maybe I can improve this in the near future) so you set the "background-color" of the app itself, and then, yes, this "background-color" dominates all the views, because the "C" of "CSS", which means "Cascading".

DecSoft (In thread: {Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom)

Hello to all,

Thanks you very much guys. I really appreciate this kind of things. For your information, my mom still into the hospital (I back to home right now) and their recuperation is slowly, but, hopefully she come to home in the next week. Once she is in home probably I can recuperate my normal worlflow, since the most problematic part is the time I must to expend into the hospital.

Thanks very much again! :)

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)

Hello Donald,

The edunt suggestion can work, you know, sometimes, for certain changes, it's good to try by deleting the "_Compiled" folder. Anyway, here is some tips about the app's themes. First of all, take a look at samples like the "Calculator" one, which uses themes.

Secondly, remember we can choose a theme to be used by default. And also, we need to specify what themes we wanted to include in our application in order to be available, that is, in order to allow us to switch to one of the availables themes.

The above image shows the "Default" theme. In this case we use the "Default", but we can choose one of the available themes to be the default one in the application, that is, the theme in which the application starts:

The above image shows the available themes. That is, we can choose from the list one or commonly more than one theme in order to be available to be set or "switched" at runtime using the SetAppTheme action.

Once you choose the included themes, you can switch to one of them at runtime. However, the theme change do not implied the application start with that theme. If you want to do that, you must to save the theme when set it (using the SetOption action, for example). Then, in the app "Ready" event you can retrieve such option (the theme name) and use again the "SetAppTheme" action to establish your application theme.

If you follow this steps and anyway you get stucked, please, Donald, post here and I will try to help you as quickly as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: How to install and be ready with Apache Cordova and the Android SDK)

Hello to all,

Certainly I am back in home after pass all the day into the hospital. The good news is everything is OK. Slowly... but ok. I hope quickly my mom is in home and then I can get the bull horns again like I wanted.

Thanks for your kindly words Donald. :)


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