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DecSoft (In thread: {Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom)


Some advances. Tomorrow is an important day, since the doctors decide to move my mom into another hospital (to their rehabilitation) or move into their home to follow there the rehabiliation process. If the first thing happend... this complicated the things to me too, since this other hospital is far away than the currently one.

Also some complications about the other health problems has been detected in the latest test. But this is another story... and firstly we need to be concentrated in their broken huckle.

Just for anyone who are interested.

DecSoft (In thread: IOS Apps, how to get them on the devices)

Thanks for sharing Donald, I will take a look as soon as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Justification of Labels)

Hello Donald,

This is quite strange. The push button's text appear centered by default... how you get a button with their label not centered? Can you provide me a little sample application?

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)


How would I use code like this to set the style to orange

What the above CSS code means is "apply these 'background-color' and 'color' CSS rules to all elements with the class ".jumbotron". If you put that code in the "Inline CSS" app's option or in one CSS file added to the app too, then, yes, all elements with the class "jumbotron" change their apparence to the specified style.

But since in this thread we start to talking about app's themes, then maybe we have some mistake here. In order to switch to another app's theme we must use the "SetAppTheme" action (once we include the themes we wanted using the the app's options dialog), but we can't change the app's theme using CSS code.

We can modify the current theme using CSS. All the CSS rules we define in the app's "Inline CSS" option or an external CSS file are applied to the current app's theme.

Hope this can help you in some way Donald, but please, post below whatever other questions you have.

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)

Hello to all,

Thanks for the feedback from both ya'll.

Here is what I discovered. If you have a background color specified on any view (in my case 4th view) it will dominate the rest of the app. The text and other attributes change as required but the color gets overwritten,

What say you?

In fact if we use the object inspector to establish the "background-color" (or any other CSS rule) of an app's view, they are only applied to that view. Probably what happend is you change to the "View4", but, don't select it (maybe I can improve this in the near future) so you set the "background-color" of the app itself, and then, yes, this "background-color" dominates all the views, because the "C" of "CSS", which means "Cascading".

DecSoft (In thread: {Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom)

Hello to all,

Thanks you very much guys. I really appreciate this kind of things. For your information, my mom still into the hospital (I back to home right now) and their recuperation is slowly, but, hopefully she come to home in the next week. Once she is in home probably I can recuperate my normal worlflow, since the most problematic part is the time I must to expend into the hospital.

Thanks very much again! :)

DecSoft (In thread: Changing Themes)

Hello Donald,

The edunt suggestion can work, you know, sometimes, for certain changes, it's good to try by deleting the "_Compiled" folder. Anyway, here is some tips about the app's themes. First of all, take a look at samples like the "Calculator" one, which uses themes.

Secondly, remember we can choose a theme to be used by default. And also, we need to specify what themes we wanted to include in our application in order to be available, that is, in order to allow us to switch to one of the availables themes.

The above image shows the "Default" theme. In this case we use the "Default", but we can choose one of the available themes to be the default one in the application, that is, the theme in which the application starts:

The above image shows the available themes. That is, we can choose from the list one or commonly more than one theme in order to be available to be set or "switched" at runtime using the SetAppTheme action.

Once you choose the included themes, you can switch to one of them at runtime. However, the theme change do not implied the application start with that theme. If you want to do that, you must to save the theme when set it (using the SetOption action, for example). Then, in the app "Ready" event you can retrieve such option (the theme name) and use again the "SetAppTheme" action to establish your application theme.

If you follow this steps and anyway you get stucked, please, Donald, post here and I will try to help you as quickly as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: How to install and be ready with Apache Cordova and the Android SDK)

Hello to all,

Certainly I am back in home after pass all the day into the hospital. The good news is everything is OK. Slowly... but ok. I hope quickly my mom is in home and then I can get the bull horns again like I wanted.

Thanks for your kindly words Donald. :)


DecSoft (In thread: How to install and be ready with Apache Cordova and the Android SDK)

Hello Samuel,

Thanks for your interest in my work at App Builder. Sorry for the delay: I expend all the day into the hospital and right now back to home. About your question, first of all, remember AB produces HTML5 applications which can be deployed "out of the box" in mobile and desktop browsers. So Apache Cordova is needed if we plain to build our applications for the Android platforms and others.

Certainly your first message error is very commom: "cordova" is not recognized as a command, which commonly means they are not properly installed. However, your second error is also new to me and I am not sure if can help. My recomendation is to start again. Certainly the best tutorial I found (linked above) put you in the way to prepare APK files (for Android) in literally seconds.

So please, follow the tutorial step by step, and "Google" the message errors, since probably you can also found help from the Cordova community. If I am not busy with my mom health problem... I can also connect with you using TeamViewer, for example, and try to install the appropiate software in your computer.

Please, take calm, and be patience: for sure you can get ready with Apache Cordova and I assert you that, once you are ready, use it is quite easy. Sorry if I can't offer you another answer at this time Samuel. But (I insist) try again and post here or feel free to open a new thread here in the forum: I will try to help you as quickly and best as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Applying External Media To Media Player...)

Hello Webz,

Thanks for your interest and, please, sorry for the delay: I expend the day into the hospital and right now I back to home. About your question, I have two possible answers, one that I want to offer, and other than not.

It's possible to deal with local files using the Media Player? Probably, yes, using certain plugins for Apache Cordova, who can profide us the access to that files. However, unfortunatelly, this feature is not offered right now out of the box.

You can do it, since it's possible to extend App Builder's apps using Javascript and Apache Cordova plugins (also if they are not included out of the box), you can take a look at the "CordovaPlugins" sample (and "Google" for "Local Media Files Apache Cordova").

My intention is try to implement the required plugins in App Builder, but, I can't promise this can be achieved in a couple of days, and, right now I am also busy with certain familiar health problems...

So you can try with the existing Cordova plugins, use remote media files, or just wait for a possible implementation in App Builder "out of the box". In any of the cases, just tell me if you get stuck in some way.

Thanks again for your interest Webz.

DecSoft (In thread: InputBox)

Hello Donald,

Glad to know you got it sir. And don't worry! All programmers fall in this kind of mistakes. Me too of course. And what here matter is that you attached the error message and then I can take a look and found the possible problem's cause.

And that's what an experienced programmer does: offer the most possible information about an error. :)

DecSoft (In thread: InputBox)

Hello Donald,

A couple of things to consider here. Firstly, maybe you want to use the "[InputValue]" variable, and not the "[inputValue]" variable: note this is case sensitive. This may solve the "inputValue is undefined" error.

The other thing to consider is if the "Label1" control exists or not in the app's view. If you use the "InputBox" in a view which contain the "Label1" control, then there is no problem and probably fixing the first problem also fix this other.

Tell me if finally you got it Donald.

DecSoft (In thread: Icons)

Hello Donald,

Yes; the icon and other resources are not deleted/copied in order to save time/resources when compile an application. Also, the icon is a little special: since App Builder prepares the icon for various sizes/platforms, this preparation do not occur everytime we compile the application for the same reason: save time and resources when compile.

Maybe I can be more accurate in this, for example, I am thinking now in compare the icons' sizes, that is, not only test if the icon exists or not in the compiled application, but check first if the icons's size are the same, for example, in order to update it in a more accurate way. So yes, probably I need to review that mechanism one more time sir.

DecSoft (In thread: Icons)

Hello Donald,

I need to review this when possible. Maybe a message can be show to the user indicating the icon relative path does not match a valid file, but retaining the relative path, in order to be useful when view it. For sure I want to review this when possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Icons)

Hello Donald,

The behaviour can be explained since the app's icon path is saved relative to the application path, then, if we save the application with other name, but, in the same directory, then the icon do not dissapear. This occur because the app's options dialog check if the icon exists, then, if we save the application in other directory, the icon path is no more found relative to the application.

Said that, maybe a possible solution can be to maintain the icon path even when they cannot be found since they are no relative to the new application path and advert of this circumstance with a warning message.

What do you thing about Donald?

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