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DecSoft (In thread: Responsive in DecSoft App Builder)

Hello Jhonson,

Yes; certainly AB offers the ability to make the apps "autoscale": you can read more here in this help topic. Basically we can use a fixed style or a scaled style (we can changes between them even at runtime), and, combine this last one with the MaxWidth and MaxHeight app's properties.

On the other hand, AB apps uses the Bootstrap CSS framework, so, if we want to go beyond the autoscale option of AB, we can use the Bootstrap CSS grid system also. For example, here is some HTML markup that you can place inside an HTML control of AB (you can copy the below code and just paste it inside an app's view: then an HTML control with that HTML markup are automatically created):

In many apps (or app's views) the autoscale option can be enough, but, certainly there is no problem to use an HTML control (which can cover partially or all the app's view) to use the Bootstrap CSS grid system, that is, the appropriate HTML markup, like the above sample. And it's also possible to use the AB HTML control to place virtually any HTML markup (with the Bootstrap CSS power), including inputs, buttons, etc.

DecSoft (In thread: App Path in the File Manager)

Hello John,

Thanks for fixing this issue, for all of the support you provide and for App Builder.

Always thank you for your trust, sir, and, also for your kindly words. ;-)

DecSoft (In thread: App Path in the File Manager)

Hello John,

You are right. There is a bug for these kind of paths which has been solved in this new release of DecSoft App Builder.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2021.12)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: App Path in the File Manager)

Hello John,

I think the "add folder" option can be good for your purpose. Just look at the "LeafletMaps" sample app. It's not only a question of organize the files inside the compiled folder (not too important, I think...) but also considering the app's files itself... that's what you can see in the "LeafletMaps" sample app: we have a "resources" folder, which contains all what we need.

So, if you create a folder like "resources", and, inside that folders, you put the "models", "views" and "controllers" folders, and you add the "resources" folder with the "add folder" tab of the Files manager, then you get what you wanted. Or maybe you can add the "models", "views" and "controllers" folder separetelly, so that folders becomes in the "files" folder of the compiled app.

I think that can be enough... maybe not exactly as you wanted, because the added folders becomes to the "files" folder of the compiled app, and not to a "script" folder, but... I think can be enough. If you really wanted the "script" folder... you can include the "models", "views" and "controllers" folders inside a "script" folder... so certainly that folder becomes in the "files" folder of the compiled app.

Again, maybe not exactly like you wanted, but I honestly think that can be enough.

DecSoft (In thread: App Path in the File Manager)

Hello John,

I think that can imagine what you wanted, but, I am not completely sure about... that is... to me the files are well organized, since scripts come to the scripts folder, styles to the styles folder, other files come to the files folder, and, even entire folders (that we can add) come to a files / folder "as is"...

Maybe you need something like this last "add folder" option? Please, take a look at the "LeafletMaps" sample app. Note that what we do there is to add an entire folder (with all the files required by the library, including images, scripts, styles, etc.) and then we use the Scripts tab of the Files manager to refer to that files (inside the folder).

So, firstly, I think that AB organize well the scripts, styles, other files, etc., but, the "add folder" option give us the ability to organize (if we wanted) the files in another way too. This option is mainly designed to make easy the usage of entire Javascript libraries, but, may can also be good if you want to organize the files in other way than AB do by default.

DecSoft (In thread: Sidebar from right side)

Hello Mario,

I hope this new release of DecSoft App Builder can be useful to you.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2021.11)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: Browser Plugin - when a user navigates to another page)

Hello John,

Glad to know that you got it, sir, and, thanks for sharing your code here!

DecSoft (In thread: Browser Plugin - when a user navigates to another page)

Hello John,

How did you do it? Because I try to apply my proposed solution... without lucky... (maybe because more information is needed, for example, where you set the local storage option) and I am here struggling with my mind in order to find another possible workaround... :-(

DecSoft (In thread: Browser Plugin - when a user navigates to another page)

Hello John,

Remember that the app and the web extension content run in different contexts. I am not sure if you can set a local storage option from the app to be accessed from the web extension content and viceversa. You can try it, however, because I am not completely sure in this specific case. Anyway, if that is not possible, you always can communicate from the content to the app, so the app read the local storage and send you back the option's value.

DecSoft (In thread: Sidebar from right side)

Hello Mario,

Yes; I understand your point of view. I am right now really busy and can't promise a date, but, I will try to add some kind of "direction" option to the Sidebar. I am not sure about the implementation, and, for that reason I suggest to hide the sidebar on both left and right swipes gestures. But I will take a look to see if certainly it's possible to implement some kind of "direction" option to the Sidebar.

DecSoft (In thread: Browser Plugin - when a user navigates to another page)

Hello John,

The Javascript code placed at the "WebExtContent" app's event is the "content" of the WebExtension, that is, the Javascript code which is executed on every loaded page. So, I think you must use this app's event to do the job. When the user changes to another page, by clicking in a link, for example, the "content" Javascript code is executed, so, you can do whatever you need at that point.

DecSoft (In thread: New HTML Compiler - read external file?)

Hello Bryce,

Please, take a look at the "Files" sample app. There is no "readTextFile" because we can use a XMLHttpRequest ("jQuery.get()" for example) without problems in the new generation of DecSoft HTML Compiler. In the referred sample you can see how we read a text file (previously write) with the below Javascript code:

DecSoft (In thread: New npHook NeoPlugin 2021.2)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft npHook NeoPlugin with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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