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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.64)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Base64 Images with in HTML Object)

Hello Mark,

Yes; please, try an IMG markup like the below one:

DecSoft (In thread: Open web url from html view control)
No problem, Mario! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Llamar a los controles desde javascript)

Hola Juan,

Si no me equivoco, lo que necesita está en el tutorial "External Javascript", que, puede encontrarse en la ayuda del programa y también online aquí. Si necesita otra información o tiene cualquier duda al respecto, no deje de añadir un mensaje en este hilo para tratar de ayudarle.

DecSoft (In thread: Open web url from html view control)

Hello Mario,

Yes; If I understand well, you have something like the below in an HTML control placed in an app view:

If that is correct (the link markup can change, but, I hope you got the point), probably the most easy way to handle the link is to use the Click event of the HTML control, so, we can place the below code (which asume an "htmlContent" control inside an "view1" app view):

Note the usage of the Cordova InAppBrowser plugin, which you must "check" in the Apache Cordova tab of the app options.

The above is just a way to handle the links, so, if you find it not really useful in your particular case, just post here, and I will try to help you with other possible ways, Mario.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.63)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Google maps in AB1)

No problem, Peter! Thanks for your kindly words! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Google maps in AB1)

Hello Peter,

Checking your code in this online tool, apparently there is no problem. So, I suspect that maybe a code like that (particularly the "onclick" event) can cause some problems... or... anyway... maybe it's required more information about, a possible sample app to reproduce the problem, for example.

However, I think there is a better approach: identify the button, place some information inside in a "data" attribute (optionally, I do it below because I like it), and then, use a jQuery event delegate in order to be ready for the button's click. Doing that, we no need to place any event in the button itself, which can cause undesired problems like you experience.

The below code is all what we need, and, can be placed in the app view Show event, in order to initialize the map, place a sample marker, and prepare the appropriate marker's info window, with a button inside, which go to another app view when it's pressed.

Below you have the complete sample app for AB1: save the XML into a "MyApp.ab" file, and open it with AB:

Remember to set your Google Maps API key (using the app Files Manager).

DecSoft (In thread: Date related functions in the new AB)

Hello Michael,

It's possible to add virtually any Javascript library using the app Files manager, however, in this particular case, the momentjs library is already included by default by AB, so, you can use it without anything extra. Some date related functions can be planned, but, for now, you try with momentjs following the documentation, and, of course, if you need any help, post it here and we will try to help you, Michael.

DecSoft (In thread: Google maps in AB1)

Glad to know that you finally got it Peter! ;-)

DecSoft (In thread: Google maps in AB1)

Hello Peter,

If we talk specifically about the code that you shown, certainly there is a syntax error: a missing end bracket in the "for":

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.62)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Plugin ADMOB Video recompensa)

Hola Juan,

En efecto, si no me equivoco, se trataría de usar el evento "dismiss". Pero tendrá que hacer alguna prueba... no estoy seguro de si este evento se dispara también cuando el usuario cierra por fin el vídeo, esto es, vuelve a la app... incluso si ha visto el vídeo completamente. En el API del plugin no se menciona un evento tal que "videoFinished" o algo similar..., como puede ver en la documentación. Tal vez la única forma de saber si el usuario ha visto el vídeo... es cuando este se "cuente" (digo yo que así será) por parte de quien ofrece el anuncio...

No obstante, si nos fijamos en los eventos que soporta el plugin:

Tal vez también podría probar con el "onAdLeaveApp"... aunque creo que ando errado, puesto que, me parece que este evento se dispara cuando el usuario pulsa, en efecto, el enlace de la publicidad. Pero... no aplique acaso a los vídeos... o bien no es exactamente lo mismo que un evento tal que "videoFinished"...

DecSoft (In thread: frame did not update after changes in it)

Hello Michael,

I am here made some tests in the "Frame" sample app, and can't reproduce the problem (in fact I deal in the past with problems around the compiler cache related with the Frames controls and already apply some fixed)... if I made some change in the Frame's controls, that changes are reflected when the app is running. The same if I move the Frame controls around the app view which contains it, for example.

So please, first of all, check that you are using the very latest release of AB. Then, check that you are using the Debug button (and not the Run button) when you made changes and expect to view it when run the app. Remember that the Run button launch an existing compiled app, but do not save it firstly, nor compile it. The Debug button, instead, save the possible changes and then compile and launch the app. More information here.

If you continue experiencing the issue, please, try to reproduce the error, and post here the steps in order to reproduce it, then I can try to solve the possible bug.

DecSoft (In thread: frame did not update after changes in it)

Hello Michael,

Good to know it, because, certainly, there can be some issues with the compiler cache, which of course try to be perfect, but,... So I will to made some tests around the frames control and post here what I can found. (I am currently working in other tasks, so, please, be patience! And use the possible workaround if needed.... by moving the frame control (because 99,9% this causes the right cache files to be removed)...

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