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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.26)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Websocket connection problem in Android 9+)

Hello to all,

Just to mention that, from some releases ago, we can made changes in the "AndroidManifest.xml" file using the app options -> Cordova -> Configuration -> Extra XML, so we can place a code like the below in the referred option:

By doing that we are allowing clear (non secure) connections in Android 9+. This include HTTP but also WS (WebSocket) connections.

P.S. The above is valid for the previous AB generation and also for the current generation of the product.

DecSoft (In thread: How to apply a filter in Table and Report controls)

Hello Asley,

Maybe a bit of code can clarify the things here. Based in the "Table" sample app, go to the "view1" Show event, and, replace the Javascript code that you can see by the below one:

Originally we set the Array into the "" property, but, to filter the contents, we save a copy of the original "" in another variable, in this case "". Now place a Text Input control in the "view1", below the Table, and, place the below code in his "KeyUp" event:

That's all. Run the app and type something in the new Text Input control: you must see that only the records who his name contains the query (the Input Text value) is shown in the table and not other records. It's more or less easy to expand the search to other fields, etc. Please, go ahead if you have some further questions!

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)

Hello to all,

Asley is right: remember that the AB internal debugger / HTTP server don't support PHP, so, if we want to use a PHP script, we have two possible ways: move the compiled app into an HTTP server that support PHP, so we can use local paths for the required PHP scripts. Or the other possible way: provide the right URLs for the required PHP scripts, so the app can run in the internal debugger / HTTP server, but the PHP scripts run in a HTTP server with PHP support. In both ways we can get it working.

DecSoft (In thread: How to apply a filter in Table and Report controls)

Hola Asley,

You no need to filter the table itself (the HTML markup), but the Table's "data" property. Whatever change you do into the "data" propery is automatically reflected in the table (HTML markup).

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)

Hello to all,

Thanks for your work and for share it with us, Asley!

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.25)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)
Thanks for your efforts, Asley! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.24)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)

Hello Michael,

Ok, let me to think about and then I will try to help you as quickly as possible. :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)

Hello Michael,

The problem is the time... and that I am not very good with videos, in fact, I want to create some of them, but, english is not my first language, so I have found some difficulties... but in fact you talk abou a CRUD sample app... and what is exactly the Database sample app already existing! Is a sample app that show how we can Create, Read, Update and Delete records from a server database.

So... the point can be that you take a look at that sample... and try to understand it... and of course post in the forum if you find some problem or need something about: but in that case we deal with specific things, more easy to achieve than general ones. For example, I am considering a possible video tutorial (if can have some time to do it!), but what I am thinkin is not a CRUD tutorial... not right now... :-/

So why don't take a look at the Database sample app, step by step, view by view, control by control, and therefore you ask here if you have some specific question? I will be happy to help when possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Html Tags in AB/ PHP JSON data to AB)

Hello Michael,

I think that can understand what you wanted and I will try to prepare something like a small video tutorial to follow your proposed steps. I will do it as quickly as possible.

DecSoft (In thread: Converting old AB over to new AB)

Hello Samuel, (now yes! :)

Various things to be considered here! First of all, we must to consider that I am the boss, the developer, and the guy who clean the office when finish. Said that, the first AB generation accumulated around four years of developments, but the new AB2 generation only some months, so, we can expect enhancements in the new generation of the IDE in the future.

Currently the new AB support all the official Cordova plugins, and, it's not clear how to do the things in the best way in order to support other plugins too, but, for sure, we want to work on that. But, said that... do you want to get a barcode scanner working? It's curious, because the first real app that I develop with AB included (requires) a barcode scanner (a QR code scanner), and, just look here... by adding the Cordova plugin ID in the app option (phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner), we can get a barcode scanned just by copy the plugin's sample code "as is", in any event:

And we can continue with other plugins... in the same way... so, we no need to wait for an "easy way" (maybe we must say here a more easy way, because the above is not difficult, I think...). Of course, said that, we want to find the right way to add other Cordova plugins, but maybe not exactly in the same way than before, so we have some doubts.

For example, certainly the HTTP client control can be good, and, even for advanced users, because can maintain the code separated, etc. However, take a look at the below code, which made an HTTP POST call and wait for the possible response, error, etc.:

So we ask us the question... it's really needed the HTTP client control? It's really needed a Barcode control? And we are not sure about... probably yes, that is, I am not talking to avoid work or something like that, but seriously thinking in what can be the best for the IDE and for our customers too.

I personally develop apps with AB from years ago and therefore see what is missing, what is good, what can be enhanced, etc. In one of my biggest app I use around 14 or 16 Cordova plugins: I can't simply wait for the IDE to be included, in the way that I expect, etc., etc. I simply use the right Javascript code and use the plugins, which is what my customer wanted: not how I do it, but what I do it...

So certainly the first AB attemping to be sold for beginners, and maybe the new AB is intended to be used for beginners too, but, also by more or less advanced users, and, this don't means that I forget the beginners... but I want that the beginners learn Javascript, since learn is always required, I see better (for us and for the beginner) to learn a powerful language, which can be used all around the world, and not some specific "actions", that can helps, of course, but that limit what we can do.

About the DecSoft App Builder vs other possible IDEs... I am not sure what to say, because, certainly I am really focused in the project... I can compare of course with the previous generation of App Builder, and, in fact, I start to write an entire article about what is new, because, as you already know, the new DecSoft App Builder has been written from the scratch, which give us lot of chances to enhance it and do the things in better ways. So yes... maybe finally someday I can prepare an article like that... but not right now, since I must clean the office right now! ;-)

What I hope, of course, is that the users (and with a better point of view previous AB users), can see the differences... AB apps compile fast, but AB2 compiles even more fast... the IDE reactions... we can see the events of a control in 1 second in AB, but we can see it in less than 1 second in AB2... In AB we play with various modal dialogs, for example, the functions managers, that force us to work in the functions... and close the dialog to continue working in other app place... in AB2 we have docks everywhere... all the managers (functions, files, resources, languages, but also the app options, the program options) are not modals... so we can simply go from one to another in a more comfortable way, etc., etc., etc.

So, if the question is, is AB2 better than AB1? The answer is yes, of course, because, in addition to other things, we apply our experience on AB when develop AB2, not only developing the IDE... but also from the point of view of an app developer who uses these IDEs too. If the question is, on the contrary, is AB better than other IDEs that we can find out there? I don't have a right answer... probably out there are very good programs that can help to develop apps, so, we trust in our work and think that our IDE is good, and we use it activelly to develop apps, but, the final user, you, the customer, have the final word, and it's good like that.

One thing to finish: DecSoft App Builder, like all the other DecSoft products, are not limited in time nor characteristics, so the users can try the product all the time he need, and with the very latest release and features. After that, he can decide if the product is useful for him and want to purchase one or more licenses, not only to revenew our current expended work, but also to support the future development of the product.

Please, Samuel, go ahead if you have any comments, etc.

P.S. Thanks for your kindly words, Peter, you are right: see this post of mine also as a possible answer / comment also to you.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.23)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Converting old AB over to new AB)

Hello Peter,

You can be sure of that! And remember that what you are learning now is HTML, CSS and Javascript, which are important not only talking about AB, but also for other possible projects, made with other possible tools, now and in the future. So don't doubt about that: it's difficult to learn, requires lot of time, hours, works, sometimes is tired, but, finally we can got it.

I am happy with AB2, because, I am developing the first app for one of our customers, and, apparently run faster in Android, and, well, tools like the app languages manager... helps a lot in order to translate the app into another languages, for example. I am happy to choose the "only Javascript" way, because, now, when we enter in an event, we know exactly what we must to do, and how to do it, and, if the stuff is not ready (no action exists, for example), we can use the right piece of code to go ahead.

Well... it's not good that I say that... but yes... I work with the tools, not only develop it, and, I am happy with the results: and honestly think that we are talking about tools that others can find interesting too: get an app running in various platforms, with the same base of code, with lot of interesting and useful stuff, because HTML, CSS and Javascript are quite powerful, and, with the help of Apache Cordova when needed... we can do lot of good things with this technologies, and with the help of DecSoft App Builder, the intention is to get it faster, in a friendly way, using a good IDE.

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