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DecSoft (In thread: Disable in AB enable in JS)

Glad to know that you got it, Ava! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Disable in AB enable in JS)

Hello Ava,

I think you can't use something like "Radio1.disabled" for the condition. Probably "Radio.disabled" is not defined, for that reason the "enable" alert appear, because the condition is not "true". I think the condition must be something like this:

P.S. Please, use the "code" HTML tag to post code: it's better for you (less paragraphs) and better for all (more readable).

DecSoft (In thread: Disable in AB enable in JS)

Hello Ava,

For the first question, certainly we can use AB actions or pure Javascript without problems. You don't refer how you try to disable / enable a control using Javascript, but, probably the mistake is that you must use a non empty string (preferible "true") to disable an object (or to hide it) and an empty string, in order to enable / show it.

Doing the above the below code do exactly the same thing:

About the second question, we can use the below code to do what you wanted with the specified four buttons:

You can take a look at a sample app that I prepare for you, copy the below code and save it in a file like "MyApp.ab", open it with DecSoft App Builder and run the app.

P.S. Please, don't hesitate to open different threads to ask different questions, so the forum is more or less well ordered and searchable.

P.S.2. By my mistake I use Push buttons controls when reply to your Radio buttons question: in fact it's the same code, that is, that code must work if you change "Button" for "RadioButton" and you have the right "RadioButtonN" controls in your app's view.

DecSoft (In thread: disable progress bar)

You're welcome, Ava! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: disable progress bar)

Hello Ava,

The "Disable" action is intended to be used with Input controls and have no effect in a Progressbar control. I look for a possible Bootstrap CSS class to "disable" a Progressbar, however, apparently there is not something like that.

So what you can do is to change the Progressbar "Kind", maybe change the "Active", and shown or not the message depending on this Progressbar properties.

Another possible approach is to use a flag variable, so, when the user click into the Progressbar you can set that flag variable to "true", and, only shown the message if that flag variable is "false" or not "true".

DecSoft (In thread: change Progress bar Percentage)

No problem, Ava! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: change Progress bar Percentage)

Hello Ava,

It's quite rare, because your code appear good and in fact works as expected here. Please, try the below app... maybe you are not referring correctly to the ProgressBar control?

DecSoft (In thread: Change label text with variable)

You'r welcome, Ava!

DecSoft (In thread: Change label text with variable)

Hello Ava,

For that case we must use a bit of Javascript code, similar that the below one:

DecSoft (In thread: media player don't play audio)

Hello Ava,

I ask you for the image, and, certainly can help, but, maybe not in this particular case. :-( The point is that if I modify the "SimpleVideo" sample just to copy the first MediaPlayer, so we have two of them, and then place a simple Push Button, in order to play both MediaPlayers... that works as expected, Ava: both MediaPlayers play as expected.

So I am not very sure about what to say right now... maybe you can prepare a small app in which we can reproduce the problem? Please, take a look anyway at the below app, which is the modified "SimpleVideo" sample. Try it and check if works for you too:

* Copy the above XML code and save it into a file named like "MyApp.ab", then open that file with DecSoft App Builder and run the app.

P.S. Probably you already check it... but apparently the error message refers to some "uncaught promise"... maybe some of the media files that you want to use don't exists? Maybe the error is not specify related with the MediaPlayer control? Are you tried the app in other browsers? Can you see in the Firefox's console, for example, the same error message?

DecSoft (In thread: media player don't play audio)

Hello Ava,

The point is that you got it! Of course, you can send me the referred image to, so I can take a look.

DecSoft (In thread: Sample App for User Subsription)

Hello Danny,

In AB we don't have the concept of "forms", but, can send anything to the app's server in order to be processed. That is, you can place an Input control in one app's view, and, then, place a button to "submit" that input information. What you must to do is to use an HTTP Client control. The HTTP Client control point to an specific URL of your app's server, for example, a possible "register.php" script.

So you can call to that "register.php" script with the HTTP Client control, sending to the script the content of the Input control, and, it's just a sample: of course you can use more than one Input controls if you need it. The point is that, after the app send the register information, the server side is responsible to get that information and proceed with the register of the user, for example, inserting a new record in certain database table.

So the sequence can be resumed in these steps:

  1. Prepare the required Input controls and proceed to send their information to the server using an HTTP Client control.
  2. Once you call to "register.php", that script's response can be a "success", for example, or an error message, or whatever else, so you can control in the app what happen with the register process.

There is no more points... because we certainly no need more point in the client side. Again, the client side (our app) send the user information (Input controls) to the server, and, it's the server duty to proceed with the user registration. In other words, we need to work in the client side and also in the server side, in order to complete the register process.

There are various HTTP Client samples included in AB, for example, the "Login" sample let you know also how to send to a server the contents of certain Input controls. But please, Danny, go ahead and post here if you have any specific question around this question and we will try to help you.

P.S. Maybe one thing can be added here: the validation. You can and must validate the user's information in the client side, but also in the server side. So, for example, if you ask the user for a name, but the user don't provide a name in the right Input, you must check this in the client side, so, you can inform to the user that the user's name is missing. After you made the call to the server, the server must also validate the information again, and, only proceed with the register process if everything is ok.

DecSoft (In thread: media player don't play audio)

Hello Ava,

We are talking about an error or a warning? In other words, the app can continue working or it's stopped after the error? On the other hand, please, refer here the complete error message: maybe we can view something useful in that error message that help us to help.

DecSoft (In thread: Plugina admob Intersticial admob)

Hola Juan,

Pruebe con el ejemplo AdMob que se incluye con DecSoft App Builder. La acción "AdMobIsInterstitialReady" no espera un valor verdadero o falso, sino que permite especificar una función de la app o "callback", que será llamada y podrá determinar si el "interestitial" se ha preparado correctamente o no.

DecSoft (In thread: Utilización de variables. Encapsulamiento)

Hola Juan,

Revise el apartado de la ayuda "External Javascript". Para el primer caso podría definir la variable del siguiente modo:

De ese modo ya podría utilizar dicha variable desde AB tal como quiere:

Para el segundo caso, se trata de algo muy similar:

O, por mejor decir (puesto que la anterior variable sería "local"), algo como esto:

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