AB2 actions as in AB1

Jordi Mesa

Very good to all, after talking with David I show you a test of a project that I am thinking of developing whenever it can be useful for others.

It is an action manager in AB2 in the same style that AB1 had ... to simplify programming in a quick and direct way.

What do you think ... I leave you a video so you can see how it works.

Sorry for my English ... which is from Google ;-)

Samuel Vanneste

Hello Jordi,
In my opinion it would be a great addition to AB2. And it could ease the day by day job for some tasks.


Hello to all,

Since we are talking about a thirdparty tool, I have no problem at all: anybody can use it if wanted. But I must defend the new generation of DecSoft App Builder, of course. You know that AB apps are based in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. JavaScript is the programming language, and, in fact, the visual actions that the previous generation of AB offers, must be translated at the end to JavaScript.

The actions are limited, but JavaScript is not limited at all. If we learn actions, we are not really learning about JavaScript, so, we never can get the benefits of the JavaScript usage. In the new generation of AB everything is JavaScript, and I think this provide too many advantages, the already referred, but, also the infinite sources of knowledge, lot of code pieces that we can use "as is", and many more.

The previous generation of AB and the current one just have different point of views: the first one is intended to beginner users, but the current generation of the product want to offer also a power tool for people who already know the JavaScript language. And my intention is to kick up the beginner users to the JavaScript language: finally if you learn JavaScript, you can use it in many projects, not only AB apps.

So if I can help in something with this tools, count with me, but, I bet for the new generation of AB. Someone can think that the new AB remove the visual actions support, but, other point of view can be that the new AB is faster, more user friendly, and incorporate lot of things missed in the previous generation of AB, like the app's resources, the ability to translate the app directly from the IDE and many more features.

Jordi Mesa

I think that the idea is a tool that continues to help the functions of AB2 as towards AB1 ... and continue with the power of being able to program other things directly as it was done with AB1 through StartJS ...

The idea is to speed up the use of it with predefined functions ... that can be used by initiated and uninitiated users ... because not because it is more or less initiated is the ease of developing an App or Project and I think I speak knowing what I say ...

And always assuming that AppBuilder seems to me the best that has been done in a long time and it is Thanks to David ... that I can say that I continue his work since he made the DecPlus for Neobook many years ago.

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