Undo does weird stuff

Mike Felker

If I press undo, things I deleted a while ago come back.

For example, if I delete a logo and then do some editing and press undo for that editing, the logo comes back. Not only that, but if you press undo again, the logo comes back somewhere else in the project.

You may want to fix that bug. Is there a redo?


Mike Felker



We must to differentiate between the designer and the code editor. The first one have an "undo" button, which allow us, basically, to undelete a previous deleted control in the designer. We have no redo here at this time. The code editor have also their own undo history and here we have a redo option too.

I am not sure if you experiment some unexpected behaviour since I can view here the expected one Mike.

Mike Felker

I am referring to the designer, not the code editor. Good working UNDO and REDO is critical for designing GUIs since mistakes are made and UNDO is a great way to correct them.


Mike Felker



I am referring to the designer, not the code editor. Good working UNDO and REDO is critical for designing GUIs since mistakes are made and UNDO is a great way to correct them.


The "Undo" is already supported by the AB designer, however, the "Redo" is quite complex Mike. Believe me or not, an environment like Delphi (with more than 20 years of history) has not a "Redo" option in their designer. I want to take a look (again) and put this in the TODO list, however, I really can't promise a "Redo" action quickly, since they appear to me very complex to implement. At least this is was I remember from the past (when a possible "Redo" action are planned).

Mike Felker

As long as UNDO works without problems, I will be a happy camper.


Mike Felker

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