[solved]: Missing App Icon on Android

Antonio Cambule

Hi David,

you know i had to rewrite my app. I got it so far, in order to make it better than before i reworked some parts.
Instead of using local storage where memory is limited, i use cordova file.
That part works fine now, but in the first i had problems to compile the app using the batch file.
The problem was the limitation of path lenghts.
When i understood that, i changed the my project path to the root directory. On the way to that, i also had to update cordova.
So now I'm running on the latest cordova version.

So far the preamble...

The problem now is, that after these changes i do not get the app icon anymore. I took a look in the appbuilder pathes and appbuilder correctly copies my icon into its subpaths but after the execute of the compile.bat i see that in the res folder of the android subfolder the icon is still the default appbuilder icon.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards


Hello Antonio,

Please, first of all, try to manually delete the "_Compiled" directory. Then, assert you set the icon that you wanted in the app's options dialog. Finally, save the application and build it again. Tell me if this solve the problem Antonio.

Antonio Cambule

Hi David,

thats strange. I've did that before, as i read it in a post prior to ask, and it didn't work. I've tried it again after your answer.
Now it works.


Samuel Vanneste

Hello Antonio,
Not so strange : from time to time, the images are not generated automatically. Just close the project, reopen it and rebuild... Tada...


Hello to all,

Please, upgrade your AB copies. The current release fix certain problem with the app's icon (in case we remove a previously established one) and also enhance the icons and splashs screens generators for Apache Cordova: App Builder generates the icons now everytime the application is builded (F8), no matter if previous icons and splashs screens has been generated before.

Antonio Cambule

Hi David,

i don't think this was an good idea. The build process is needed to run also the app after every change. Processing also the icons now, increases the build time, means longer wait before execute...

Anyway, despite your current change the run and build functions in AB could be improved for a better workflow.

What about following workflow ideas:

1. Clicking on run button saves the project, builds it (build without icons and splash screen) and runs the app
2. Clicking on build button, builds it including the icons and splash screen

What do you think?



Hello Antonio,

Well. In fact App Builder do not generate the Cordova's graphics when debug the application. The "Run" command just launch a previously debugged or builded application. Do not compile nor build it. So the point is we can debug the application without generating the Cordova's graphics, but, when build the application, App Builder generates that stuff to refresh any possible changes.

In few words we no need to use the Build command everytime, but the Debug one. In this last case the Cordova's stuff is not generated at all (because in fact they are not needed). Only when Build the application (that is not required to debug it, but when deploy it) the Cordova's stuff is generated. I don't know if this can clarify somethings or if you have any other question Antonio.

Antonio Cambule

Aah, yes. I used the debug only when i wanted to really debug something. I didn't see thats it saves my changes first...
Works nice, no need to change things (but my own behaviour ;-) )

Then it's really cool that the build, rebuilds also the icons and splash

Thanks and regards


Hello Antonio,

Yes; certainly before the today's change App Builder just test if the stuff has been previously generated, and if so, skip the generation. This means of course that we need to manually delete the "_Compiled" directory if we change the icon or splashs screens and want to use the new ones in an app's build, which is probably the problem that you experiment.

This don't occur anymore, since the Build command always refresh the icons and splashs now. :)

Samuel Vanneste

Thanks David. Tested and worked nicely :)

Thanks David. Tested and worked nicely :)

Thanks Samuel! :)

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