App samples - not all searchable

Samuel Vanneste

On my computer, it seems that some apps can't be found using the search field. For instance DecSoft or Languages (I have not tried all).

Please how could I fix it ?

Many thanks



Hello Samuel,

Certainly, the samples dialog filter looks into the samples' description / design comment and not in the sample's names, and, since the "languages" word do not appear in the Languages sample (yes, in the next release) you can't find it using that word. Maybe I can also search including the app samples' names. Anyway, it's a good idea to take a look around the samples folder, using the "Explore" button of the samples dialog, for example.

Samuel Vanneste

+100 ;) Thank you David :)


Hello Samuel,

+100 ;) Thank you David :)

Please, upgrade your AB copy. The samples dialog editbox filter in the current release searchs now also for the samples file names in addition with the samples description or design comment. Always thanks you Samuel!

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