Keep Awake - Prevent the screen of the device from falling asleep

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Andreas Klein


The App Builder's KeepAwake plugin allow us to prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep.

Tested on Android, iOS and Windows Phone


Copy the content from the .zip file in

After that run App Builder go to the Program Options -> Plugins and check the KeepAwake click on the Okay button.

If have this step finished Click in the Menu App-> App Options Click on Plugins and check the KeepAwake Plugin.

That's it you can use KeepAwake or AllowSleep for you app.

You have two new Actions in your Action Search menu "KeepAwake" and "AllowSleep".

Happy Wakeup ;)



Thanks for sharing Andreas! :)

Samuel Vanneste

Hello Andreas,
The Zip archive seems to be missing. Could you please reupload it ? Many thanks

Andreas Klein

Thank you svanneste for the information :)

It's fixed ;)

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