My license expired and, I could be wrong but I can't find the renewal option in the store anymore. Did DecSoft cut that option?
Many thanks
My license expired and, I could be wrong but I can't find the renewal option in the store anymore. Did DecSoft cut that option?
Many thanks
Hello Samuel,
According to our database, your license for DecSoft App Buidler is not expired, so probably what happen is that you are trying to use an old serial number. Please, login into your DecSoft's customer area, and, you can grab your new serial number from there.
On the other hand, certainly you have some NeoPlugins license expired: in this case, you can upgrade it also from your DecSoft's customer area. In the same way, if your DecSoft App Builder license was expired, you can also renew it from your DecSoft's customer area.
Please, Samuel, let me know if you need help to login into your DecSoft's customer area.
Hello Samuel,
At your service! I mention the NeoPlugins, because, as you can see in your DecSoft's customer area, it's possible to upgrade that expired license: in the same way that you can upgrade DecSoft App Builder... if your license has been expired, which is not the case right now.
Everybody can read the DecSoft support forum for learning purposes, however only DecSoft customers can post new threads. Purchase one or more licenses of some DecSoft products in order to give this and other benefits.