Posts by Walter Hiller

Show threads by Walter Hiller
64 posts found, page 4 of 5

Walter Hiller (In thread: General question in Javascript / AppBuilders vulnerability)

I slowly step forward with my first serious app. Now I wonder what I have to regard to minimze the vulnerability of my app/webserver. Are there any special recommendations? Thanks in advance, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use the container?)

is there a sample which shows the usage of the container tool?

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use CSS files and classes)

Again and again ... thanks a lot!


Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use CSS files and classes)

another - may be stupid - question of a newbie: How do I use or implement CCS files I created i.e general settings for the whole (!) app > i.E. backgroundcolor, font, logo url and position navigation elements etc. If I check the sourtce code of an open view in Firefox I understand that there are 2 general css files included. Do I have to modify these manually?
I just learned something about classes but how do i use your AddClass action?
Sorry again for all these questions, but I hope other newbies also profit of these!

Thanks again,

Walter Hiller (In thread: MediaSeekTime with milliseconds and kiosk mode for app)

Thanks a lot! I just posted another stupid question - may be this helps for other newbies too :-)

Walter Hiller (In thread: MediaSeekTime with milliseconds and kiosk mode for app)

Hello David,
we just discuss, if it is possible to use milliseconds for the MediaSeekTime action? For our projects this would be much more exact to define movie sequences ... Second question: Is it possible to start the app in fullscreen/kiosk mode? I want to prevent the user from aborting the app or modify the view sequence. Thanks in advance, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: send a email?)

Hello David,
next issue, next question... Sorry for all this hustle, but there is too much too new for me ... How would you send a email to yxz with content you got out of different input controls? I read a lot about mailto, but as far as I understand I need for example a php script to do this?

Walter Hiller (In thread: examples how to use SetStyle action)

Hello David,
thanks a lot. This was exaktly, what I did, but there must have been an error in my code ... I set up a new and now it works. Thanks!
Concerning IF-operator: Seems the dropdown-list and the result in the field are not the same. Example: select "=! (not equal) in the dropdown list results a ">" in the field second operator. I tested them, they all are different exept the first ...
My OS is 8.1

I´m getting more and more happy with Appbuilder! When to register? Now? Want to support your work !


Walter Hiller (In thread: examples how to use SetStyle action)

Hello David,

may be this is a bit boring for you and beside your main work ... but do you think it ist possible to create a small sample which shows some main examples how to use SetStyle? I try hard to work it out i.e. changing the position and size of a object with CCS in runtime (!) , also border attributes etc. I was susccesfull to move a textarea with marginTOP etc. but I´m to stupid to change the size of the textarea ...
many thanks for your work and help!

By the way: please check the If action, I think there are some bugs in the dropdown list of the second operators ...


Walter Hiller (In thread: load array with LoadVariables action ?)

Hello David,
I believe, I still missunderstand something: Now I want read a local file (!) with ParseVariables action. Immedeatly after doing this i have a alert action for controlling the results. But I get always a undefinded - like with LoadVariables.

//load config.txt
ParseVariables "app/files/config.INI"
Alert "" "[loaded];[lcode1]" ""

Thanks for your help

Walter Hiller (In thread: load array with LoadVariables action ?)

many,many thanks! Your work is incredible and Appbuilder and my enthusiasm for it is growing every hour!
kind regards,

Walter Hiller (In thread: loop action with number variables possible?)

Hello again,

next idea and/or question: At the moment syntax loop "[a]" "[c]" "[l]" is not possible, only loop "1" "3" "[l]". first option would be nice :-), because loops are often depending other counter results, i.e. indices.

And further in direct relation to this, it would be perfect to define i.e a [Image1.Image] property using the coonter var of the loop. example


Walter Hiller (In thread: load array with LoadVariables action ?)

Hello again,
I try to load an array with LoadVariables action, but I´m not successfull. i.e. variables.txt contains a line lcodes=DE,EN,ES,IT but this is not accepted as a array. Do I have to change something or is this not possible.
Thanks in advance

Walter Hiller (In thread: Cam API - how to use getusermedia ()?)

David, thanks a lot. Now I have to test and work a lot :-)

Walter Hiller (In thread: Cam API - how to use getusermedia ()?)

I´m playing around for a solution to capture a still picture (selfie) from the cam device. I read a lot about getusermedia(), but to be honest, I didn´t understand it. I found some nice demos and explanations here and although the demo runs fine on my PC I can´t get it run unde AppBuilder.
So David, do you have a idea or hint on also a third party product how to realize this?
Thanks in advance

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