Posts by Walter Hiller

Show threads by Walter Hiller
64 posts found, page 3 of 5

Walter Hiller (In thread: Prevent tablets from zoom in with double-click/tap)

I want to deactivate the automatic zoom in function on tablets under Android or Windows. Any idea how to do this? The correspondign App.event yes, but what to write in?
Thanks in advance, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: Code minimizer > Sorry an error occur ....)

Hello David,
Java is ok and the error doesn´t appear with every .ab. Seems there is something in my script. Batch compile and minimize seems to work, I will send you screenshots by email.

Walter Hiller (In thread: local/intranet installation of an app does not run under IE and CHROME)


something strange: I can start and show a compiled app with FIREFOX with simply open the index.html. If I do the same with IE or CHROME the app doesn´t start, I get a white screen and the app name isn´t yet read, means I see the {{App.Name}} as URL.
The IE console (F12) says something about document mode 7 ... some APIs may be not available ...
Any idea what to do? Thanks in advance, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: Code minimizer > Sorry an error occur ....)

Hello David,
the error message is really strange:

Sorry an error occur: "Vorgang erfolgreich beendet"

The German part of teh message means > "process sucessfully terminated" . So what? A nice contradiction in itself :-)

Walter Hiller (In thread: Code minimizer > Sorry an error occur ....)

I get a error message if I try to minimize the code. Not with all .ap but with my actual one. What does this mean? Debug and Build runs without error. Thanks

Walter Hiller (In thread: Close app automatically)

is there a possibility to close the app window automatically if i.e. the user changes to another app/window. I think I can use the App.Event Pause and then ... write a JS to close the window? Thanks for your hints.


Walter Hiller (In thread: How to change the video url dynamically in mediaplayer control)

Oh my god .... to hot for me these days!!! Sorry for being a fool :-). Another small problem I can not solve at the moment:

How do I get a JS Var into the script. My example resuklts with "undefined" in the alert ...

Thanks,thanks, thanks .... 38 degrees Celsius in office at the moment

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to change the video url dynamically in mediaplayer control)

I´ve just tried to change the URL of a movie dynamically, means by setting a var. Made some tests with CSS set style but no result. My task is to change the movie´s URL depending on the language of the user. Thank you for your help!

kind regards,

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use CSS files and classes)

Hello David,
now I understand! Thank you!

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use CSS files and classes)

Hello David,
thank you for your help. But I don´t understand the sense of

SetStyle "NewView2" "background-image" "url(app/images/bg1.png)"

in your sample. If I change with ShowView to NewView2 the view it has no background. Do I misunderstand something?
Thank you again.

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use CSS files and classes)

Hello David,
is it possible to set the background of a specific view with SetStyle? Like I can do with
SetStyle "[App.CurrentView]" "background-image" "url(app/images/cxx.png)"
I want to preload backgrounds for certain views.

Walter Hiller (In thread: MultiSelect control - index of SelItem(s))

my problem is to get the ItemIndex of a selection in a MultiSelect control. I know it is a "Multi"Select control, but I use it because it is much more comprehensible for the user. I fill the Selector.Items out of a database and at a click on 1 item I have to get the index number of the selected item.

I tried this code, but it doesn´t work because recno is always -1:

Do I misunderstand ArrayIndexOf ? Thanks for your help.

kind regards,

Walter Hiller (In thread: php/MySQL and AppBuilder)

I know sometimes my questions are confused. But this simply is a result of my lack of unsderstanding - sorry for that!

I now worked out a solution to get back the results of a mysqli_query. I just use:

in my PHP script. Seperating the fields with | I get a useable array as result. This works fine as long as I define my query with

in my PHP script.

BUT as soon as I try to send the SQL -Query with SimplePost action, I get no result ..

Whats wrong?

Thanks for any advice

Walter Hiller (In thread: php/MySQL and AppBuilder)

Hello David,

I just work hard on an connecting a MySQL database via Appbuilder, insert some data out of Appbuilder inputs, start a query and get the result back in one or more javascript vars. To do the things in PHP is not the problem, the question is how to "connect" PHP and JS? I did some test with SimplePost without success. Do you have a idea how to get forward?
Thanks in advance, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use the container?)

Hello Dav id,
thank you for your answer. My only question ist, how to bring or "connect" other controls with the container? I.e I have a keyboard bgd, all the different key controls and want to show/hide them with one action. And in addition want to resize all controls depending on the device resultion. Thanks for your advice


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