Posts by Walter Hiller

Show threads by Walter Hiller
64 posts found, page 5 of 5

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use filename.json query results)

Hello David,
thank you very much, you´re the best. Both new actions are perfect and help a lot. And yes RANDOM action is ment as you described it as a random number. Thanks again and take care of your health!

kind regards,

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to use filename.json query results)

Hello David,
I want to use a filename.json as a kind of INI file, means I want to set certain default variabels out of the database. Now my questions are:

If I set a query, how can I get the unique result of this query into a local variabel. I.e I want to set a new var with the single [Record.Name] I get out of my query? With Setvar "[NewVar]" "[Record.Name]" "String" I get an error ... undefined

My database.json has the fields Name and Value. After a query with only 1 result/record I want to use the following Syntax:
Setvar "[[Record.Name]]" "[Record.Value]" "String" - possible or a similar solution?

Do you think abaout a RANDOM control/function ?

Thanks in advance

Walter Hiller (In thread: SetOption, GetOption, where are these files stored)

Hi there,
I´m wondering where or how these informations/files are stored? Can´t find any of the files I set with SetOption ?
Thanks for explanation,

Walter Hiller (In thread: apps running offline and local filelistt)

Hello David,
thanks again for your work - AppBuilder will be a very sucessfull software, I´m shure. Beside database concerns ( I saw your answer in the other post) I think about two things at the moment:

1. I´m really a newbie in this kind of app devolopement, but my interest are apps for mobile devices which also run offline - means after installing all media etc. are on my phone,tablet. Where and how do/can I manage this?

2. At the moment I have to add every file I use in my app at least in the app file list before compiling. Could this be done in future dynamically? Imagine for example a slideshow of pictures - to handle this with a var based code I have to update the apps file list every time I have a new picture ... My main issue in that question is to keep my app maximum open and define controls properties with vars whereever possible. By the way doing this with Top and Left doesn´t work ?

Thanks in advance

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