Posts by Walter Hiller

Show threads by Walter Hiller
64 posts found, page 1 of 5

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to stop a playing audio started with PlaySound?)

Hello David,

this I know. If no way to stop the PlaySound action I will use this. I would prefer the PlaySound action because it is much easier to handle.
Thanks for your help,

Walter Hiller (In thread: How to stop a playing audio started with PlaySound?)

Hello David,

how can I do this? I want to stop the audio playback by button click or view change. Thanks Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: Use vars in Strlen or ArrayIndexOf)

Hello and many thanks to David!

for all others: The solution is simple: The value of a MultiSelect control itsself is an array. This means if you want to search for the result of a single selection in an MultiSelect.Control you have to read first postion of the selected (answer) array:

Walter Hiller (In thread: Use vars in Strlen or ArrayIndexOf)

Hello David,

I did the alert test from the begining and the alert always shows me the correct value, i.e 11_HILLER, that is what me drives crazy. I have to leave now, but will send you the app later! Thanks, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: Use vars in Strlen or ArrayIndexOf)

Hello David, thanks for your answer.
Do you think it could be a problem, because I define var [searchme] in the click of the Select1.SelItems? Means I SetVar "searchme" "[Select1.SelItems]" "String" ? Thanks, Walter

Walter Hiller (In thread: error with double keys in Select.control > ngRepeat:dupes)

Hello again,

a second problem I have to solve: I try to realize a list of names ( read out of mySQL table) in a MultiSelect.control where the user can select a certain name. This works fine with a php script which gives the array of names by httpexecute GET to my script. BUT a error alwas ocurrs in the moment, when I have 2 or more same names in the list (i.e. Hiller,Hiller). Then I get an compiler error which shows to an error ngRepeat:dupes. I found a website with some information but don´t know you to treat it ...


Walter Hiller (In thread: Use vars in Strlen or ArrayIndexOf)


happy Easter to all! I just fight with a interesting problem. Please have a look at the examples below. Version 1 works as it should, Version 2 returns a -1 although [searchme] has the value "11_HILLER".

Same behavior i.e with it not possible to use a var as input?


Walter Hiller (In thread: button with image as background AND a centered subtitle)

Hello David,

yes I think I will use a Label control, thats is the best way. Thanks!

Walter Hiller (In thread: button with image as background AND a centered subtitle)

Hello David,
thanks for your sample. The HTML control is quite nice and works fine. But I would prefer a image control, because I now use it my code and I scale and re-position it, if the resolution is changed ... . I just would have to label it with a [variable.value]

Walter Hiller (In thread: button with image as background AND a centered subtitle)

Hi to all,

I just redesign part of may app and now want to use buttons / images with a dynamic subtitle, i.e. I have a flat icon for visitors and want to have a text like "VISITORS" below it - corresponding to the language the user has choosen. There are different solutions and tutorials with HTML and CSS, but I wonder if there is a more comfortable way in AppBuilder i.e using SetAttribute or SetProperties?
Thanks for your help.

Walter Hiller (In thread: [WORK OFFER] Freelancer for app development with AppBuilder wanted !!!)

Hello David, Hello edunt,

sorry for my delayed answer but I had to rest for a few days .... too much work. I will contact you on your private email!

Walter Hiller (In thread: [WORK OFFER] Freelancer for app development with AppBuilder wanted !!!)

Hi to all,

we use AppBuilder for e-learning purposes quite successfull. Because we have a lot of new client inputs, we now look for a freelancer, who is confident with AppBuilder and assists me. Until now I only use AppBuilder for webbased apps, but now we have to start with real apps for android. Beside this you should have good or very good knowledge in PHP, mySQL, CSS. Payment could be by hour or project, depends on your preferences. My native language is German, but I think my English is understandable.

If somebody is interested, please contact me.

Thanks and a very good 2016 to all

Walter Hiller (In thread: recurrent control objects on all views of app)


may be a stupid question, but I need some support/ideas: If there are different controls like buttons ( FWD,REV, help buttons, or a logo.png, but also input controls for example) which sould be shown on most or all app views, how do I realise this with minimum of coding? CSS? Or also a different waay?

Thanks for all hints and advices,

Walter Hiller (In thread: Injector module error in samples)

Hello David,
thanks a lot, now it works again!

Walter Hiller (In thread: Injector module error in samples)

Hello David,

I get often errors whne I try to open elder of your sample i.e. Database.ab. Compiling stops with a error like this and I have no idea what this means:

Thanks for your advice

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