Posts by Asley Cruz

Show threads by Asley Cruz
43 posts found, page 1 of 3

Asley Cruz (In thread: Loguear app con Facebook)
Hola Jordi,

No tengo nada de código aún, por eso consulté si podías proveer un simple ejemplo completo de cómo aplicar todo el pack para hacer login desde Facebook, además que así David podría incluir tu ejemplo en AB2.0.

Muchas gracias de antemano, bro.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Loguear app con Facebook)
Hola chicos, espero estén bien :)

Me alegro que lo hayas logrado, Jordi.
Te agradecería si por favor, me compartes el enlace del ejemplo para ir
haciendo pruebas con un jueguito que tengo.

De antemano, muchas gracias.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Loguear app con Facebook)

Hola David,

Creo que sería una gran idea de que hagas un ejemplo "Login with Facebook" y lo incluyas en AB2.

Al menos a mi se me había ocurrido antes, la idea para mi juego AC Trivlia, generar una sección de Records para mostrar los usuarios con mayor puntaje.

Saludos a todos :D

Asley Cruz (In thread: Cropping images using a Cordova plugin)
Yes David, I got it :)
Thanks a lot ehhh. Take care a lot.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Cropping images using a Cordova plugin)
Many thanks, David
I am not used to install extra plugins in AB but your sample works like a charm.
I also tried this JS library called "Cropper" and works great too, 100%.


Have a nice month.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Cropping images using a Cordova plugin)
Hi David,
Sorry for the delay... I tried to start the plugin but it seems it does not work. I don't know what I am doing wrong :/
My app "Quotes" works with images but I would like to use this plugin (or any other) to crop images in AB1.
If you can make it work, maybe you want to add it in Samples folder.

Thanks, thanks & this is how the plugin should look:

Asley Cruz (In thread: Cropping images using a Cordova plugin)
Hi David,
I would like to use a plugin to crop an image selected from gallery and to show
the cropped image in an Image control in AB1.

You can use the below plugin or another cordova plugin:
I found this plugin but I wasn't able to make it works :/

Hoping it is possible. Thanks a lot in advance. Have a nice week.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Opening URLs with default browsers)
Thanks David, for your time,
I will give it a try... one more question. I DON'T want to close my app on pressing "Back button" on Android.
How can I avoid this?

Have a nice week.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Opening URLs with default browsers)
Hi David,
I would like to know how to open an URL with default browser on Windows (Firefox, Chrome...)
with a button inside an HTML control, using AB2 and Electron.

Thanks in advance.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Finding data in JSON file)

I did some changes and works great!

Thanks, David.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Finding data in JSON file)

Thanks David, it works too but when I delete any JSON object, the remaining JSON data has a "double comma"
and unable to use this JSON data on a table because of the double comma.

How can I replace the double ",," comma with a single "," comma?
See below image with deleted JSON object, working on Android.

EDIT: I think that with a Agenda sample (in AB2) will be enough.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Finding data in JSON file)

Hi David,
Many thanks, it works great!

One more question... Using the same JSON data,
How can I delete the object (and all JSON data) with id value "2"?

Thanks for your time.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Finding data in JSON file)

Hi David,

I have a JSON file, with some data like below sample.

How can I load the text of "texto" if "libro" = Juan (or "libro" = Pedro, or "libro" = Lucas)?

I want to show the data in a Table control.

Many thanks in advance.

Asley Cruz (In thread: Llamar Funciones creadas en appbuilder desde javascript)
Saludos Juan
Para definir una variable:
Para llamar una función:
Para AdMobShowInterstitial, David te responderá.

Asley Cruz (In thread: How to apply a filter in Table and Report controls)
Hi David, many thanks for the code. It works like a charm :P
Have a nice sunday

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