Posts by Kim Jong Feel

Show threads by Kim Jong Feel
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Kim Jong Feel (In thread: I can't build Release version)
Thanks for new update. Now I can build release version.

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: I can't build Release version)
it's about splashscreen right?

after I delete android splashscreen in config.xml

and delete file drawable in C:\Users\FEEL-PC\Desktop\New App 1\compiled\platforms\android\app\src\main\res

now I can build Release version but splashscreen not show in app.

Can I use other splashscreen codova plugin with DAB 2020.91?

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: I can't build Release version)

Debug version works fine but release version still error.

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: Gradle Problem?)
Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio, or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle in your path, or install Android Studio Press any key to continue . . .

How to fix this? It just happened yesterday and now I can't build all of my apps anymore.

My Java version 1.8.162 Android Studio 3.6.1
Please help me.

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: Build and publish app into the Apple Store)
Thank you, I will try.

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: Build and publish app into the Apple Store)
About Cordova iOS Menu. Where to find information to use in general tab and signing tab? Now I have apple dev account. But I don't know step how to compile app. Sorry I'm a newbie on Appstore.

Kim Jong Feel (In thread: Build and publish app into the Apple Store)

This is first time I build app for appstore, It's so hard.

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