Posts by DecSoft

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DecSoft (In thread: Botón para cerrar la APP)


No Existe algo parecido a eso en el mundo Android, hasta donde yo llego, mucho menos en el entorno de Apache Cordova. Una aplicación no se "cierra", sino que el usuario "pasa" a otra aplicación. Quien cierra la aplicación, en un momento dado, es el propio sistema. Y lo que nosotros podemos hacer es estar atentos a eventos de la aplicación como "Pause".

P.D. Parece existir algo así como un "app exit" en Apache Cordova, pero, no sé si se soporta en las últimas versiones. En todo caso, podrías probar con un código similar a este en el evento "Click" de botón, por ejemplo:

DecSoft (In thread: About Socket)

You're welcome!

DecSoft (In thread: About Socket)

Hello Samuel,

Honestly, I am not an expert in TCP/IP nor WebSockets, however, the npTalk plugin uses the most simple components in Delphi to perform TCP/IP connections, and, on the other hand, App Builder uses the Javascript WebSocket object behind the WebSocket control to do the job.

About the npTalk behaviour, something which may can affect client and servers (not created with the npTalk plugin) is the "buffer" variable. You can take a look at the plugin help and read about the "buffer" variable used in the plugin.

About the WebSocket in App Builder, maybe a server is not capable to intereact with Javascript Websockets out of the box, so maybe you found interesting to read this Mozilla Developer Network article about how to implement a Javascript Websocket into the server.

Hope this information can help you in some manner Samuel.

DecSoft (In thread: "Acciones" no muestra todos los componentes generados por el usuario.)

Hola pesadillo,

No; no hay ninguna limitación en ese sentido. ¿Probaste con el selector de variables? Ahí deberían aparecerte todos los controles y sus variables correspondientes.

DecSoft (In thread: Componentes Iframe no funciona.)


Se me ocurre que actualice a la última versión de Internet Explorer disponible.

DecSoft (In thread: Componentes Iframe no funciona.)


Gracias por su interés en App Builder. En este enlace tiene un ejemplo de aplicación que hace uso de un control IFrame para mostrar mi propia página web. Como verá, en el archivo Zip se incluye un APK que acabo de crear con Adobe Phonegap. El ejemplo funciona como se espera, así que, ignoro qué puede estar pasando en su caso. Tal vez puedar proporcionarme una aplicación de ejemplo para tratar de reproducir el problema.

Dicho eso, le aconsejo que utilice Apache Cordova en lugar de Adobe Phonegap. Por ejemplo, los permisos que necesitan nuestras aplicaciones se controlan mejor con Apache Cordova: compilando nuestra aplicación con Apache Cordova esta requerirá sólo los permisos necesarios, mientras que, compilando las aplicaciones con Phonegap estas requerirán todos los permisos posibles. Por este motivo, entre otros, de veras le recomiendo que pruebe Apache Cordova. Seguro que no le defraudará.

DecSoft (In thread: HTML Compiler - Open browser instead of the build in windows)

Hello Irfan,

Previously we have the "appOpenFileWith" Javascript external function, which allow us to open a program, for example, indicating an argument, like an URL to be opened.

Right now I updated HTML Compiler and a new "appShellExec" Javascript external function has well a new "OpenLinks" project sample has been added. The "appShellExec" function allow us to open an URL into the default Windows browser, for example, Firefox.

This new function can open a file or launch a program too and I hope they are interested to you and other HTML Compiler's customers.

DecSoft (In thread: Headers and Footers for Apps)

Hello John,

It's difficult if we try to imitate certain style. For example, if I am not wrong, the above image use the jQuery Mobile framework, but App Builder are based on Bootstrap CSS. Since App Builder support themes for applications, maybe we can found a similar app theme like he above one. Or maybe we can create our own theme based in the jQuery Mobile.

However, probably the best way is to use the Bootstrap CSS stuff already available in App Builder. We can use the default theme or others (even in runtime, see the DecSoft and Calculator samples) and then can prepare some interfaces like the below ones:

The above sample application interface do not use any particular CSS, that is, we can always add more stylesheets or use the Inline CSS option or the controls CSS properties in order to customize our application.

You can download the sample application following this link.

DecSoft (In thread: Compiling as an Android App using Cordova\Phonegap)

Hello John,

Take a look also at these videos:

DecSoft (In thread: Compiling as an Android App using Cordova\Phonegap)

Hello John,

App Builder's produced HTML5 applications can be deployed, out of the box, in mobile or desktop browsers. Additionally, the program help us with the right configuration file and other stuff (icons, splashscreens, batch files) in order to allow us to compile the HTML5 applications using Apache Cordova or Adobe Phonegap Build online service.

Adobe Phonegap is easy to use, but, my current recomendation is to use Apache Cordova instead for various reasons. Apache Cordova is also quite easy, but we need to prepare our computer by installing Apache Cordova and the required platform SDK's. For example, if we want to compile our apps for the Android platform we need Apache Cordova and the Android SDK.

We can found several tutorials around internet about how to install Apache Cordova. Here is the official documentation to do that:

* Apache Cordova: The command line interface

* Apache Cordova: The Android platform guide

Once we have installed and configured Apache Cordova and the Android SDK we can use the App Builder's app options dialog and the Cordova specific options to indicate we want to create a Cordova configuration file and a batch file for the Android platform. If everything is well, we can simply execute the generated batch file to get our app APK file ready to be installed in an Android device.

If we plain to use the Adobe Phonegap online service we must to indicate the creation of a Cordova configuration file, compile our application from App Builder, package the application in a zip (using the Zip tool included in App Builder) and then upload such zip file to the Adobe Phonegap builder service found in the below link:

* Adobe Phonegap Build service

Adobe Phonegap is good, but, they do not offer the same results than Apache Cordova. For example, I can't view how to specify the right user permissions for the applications and Adobe Phonegap requires lot of them. Apache Cordova is more smart in the permissions requeriments and automatically recognize if we use some stuff which requires some user permission.

So my recomendation (to get better results) is to learn how to install Apache Cordova in our computer, followed with the target platform stuff, like the Android SDK. If you have some specific problem while installing Apache Cordova or the Android SDK post here or refer to the above linked documentation. I hope this post point to you into the right direction John.

DecSoft (In thread: Headers and Footers for Apps)

Hello again,

Just to say that I add right now to App Builder a new Footer app sample:

This app sample show us how to implement a kind of app footer which include various icons to navigate between the app views. This app sample show us various things like how to use the Inline CSS app option to customize various app controls with different styles. Also we can learn how to use app functions and how to take care about what specific "target id" has been clicked into an HTML control. This app sample show us a possible footer for our apps, but we can create footer using various controls too: Containers, Buttons, Images, HTML, etc.

That sample is available right now:

DecSoft (In thread: Transitions between pages)

Hello John,

We can use the "Animation" option of the app views. We can specify certain animation effect which are executed when the view is shown. Take a look at the Animation app sample and play with the different app view available animations. One of them are named "slideRight". To view and edit the Animation option, select the app view by click it in the designer and take a look at the Properties (or object inspector) panel.

DecSoft (In thread: Using the Menu Component and other related questions)

Hello John,

What you need is to know how to react for specific item clicked by the user? If so, take a look at the Menu* app samples. The Menu stores their items as an Array, and they offer an "ItemClick" even wich inform us about the item index choosed by the user.

DecSoft (In thread: Headers and Footers for Apps)

Hello Jhon,

There is not an standard way to do that. We can use a Container control and put it into the header or the bottom of app views. Such Container can contain (of course) Push buttons, Images or HTML controls with the appropiate stuff. We can also use a Dropdown button, which incorporate a menu.

In the "Click" event of any of the Push button, Image, HTML or Dropdown items, we can simply use the ShowView, ReplaceView or the ShowDialog actions to show any app view.

Maybe you want to take a look at the DecSoft app sample, which uses a Menu control. Maybe I prepare an specific sample of a possible footer and header in the near future. Other app samples may also give you some ideas about possible menus and how to navigate between the app views.

DecSoft (In thread: Recoger valor JSON desde un petición)

Hola Neftalí,

Revisa los ejemplos JSON y JSON2 que se han añadido, y, si tienes cualquier duda, no dejes de preguntar. :)

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