Posts by Samuel Vanneste

Show threads by Samuel Vanneste
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Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Android : capture audio)

Hello David,

Thanks a lot for this new addition. Of course it helps (and it solves).

I was working on the plugin integration and was not able to play the recorded file. So, I will be glad to learn how you solved that. A case of study.

Thanks again for having provided a solution so quickly.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Android : capture audio)

Thanks a lot David. I thought it was the one embedded with App Builder. I give it a try.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Android : capture audio)

Hello to all

Does somebody know a Cordova plugin which does media capture without requesting the native recording app to be opened, please ? I have searched for one and did not found any.

The issue related to that problem is the format : on some devices, when I try to capture the audio, the native app opens and returns a .arm file and on others, the app receives nothing with an error code.

I have already tried using a web page too but the embedded browser doesn't request for the audio permission and nothing is returned.

Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: AB2 actions as in AB1)

Hello Jordi,
In my opinion it would be a great addition to AB2. And it could ease the day by day job for some tasks.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Feature request : fixing the layout)

Hello David, Thanks a lot it works like a charm. Thanks for having tried again

@Jordi : in the Tools \ Program Options\ Interface

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Feature request : fixing the layout)

Thanks David. Or perhaps could you make them unpinned by default ?
Good luck

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Feature request : fixing the layout)
Hello David,

I would appreciate if you could definitively fix the position of the right side panels (properties, styles, views, controls, dialogs, frames) or if you could let us make them reduced by editing a configuration file. Because on smaller screens than yours, each time we open or create a project, those panels take about half of the screen and it is a repeatedly process to reduce them before starting working.

I usually put put them one on the other so each panel becomes a tab.


default configuration

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)
Hello Ryan,
I really don't know and just experienced the same behaviour with the software. David could better reply about.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)

2019.56 seems to be a major release (the update killed my registration too), it seems to require buying a license again. Your current license will work with versions above.

DecSoft offers a discount to buy the new license, as I understood it.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Compiling Windows EXE)

Hello David
Sorry, we replied at the same time. I let you the hand. ;-)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Compiling Windows EXE)

That's the good way to do it. For the moment, you will have to manually create another file : package.json (using for example your NotePad). The content of that file should be

I think that David will automate the process. But for now, it can allow setting the resulting app (when we study how Electron works (the link I provided in a previous message).

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Properties for Objects)

I don't know your version's number but if it starts with 2020, when you "close" the properties tab, pressing the pin at its right, it is only reduced in the right of the tabs. You can see it in the right and pressing it, you can open it and pin it again.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Compiling Windows EXE)

John, you probably did no checked the box : "Create a Cordova config file" too.
I don't have a scrollbar too. Which is your AB version (this to inform David when he will read the thread) ? Thanks

Edit: did you thought to save the settings too ? (the floppy icon when you made the changes)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Compiling Windows EXE)

Enable Electron's support in your app's configuration and compile (build) your app. You'll get the necessary batch files already available to ease your work.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Compiling Windows EXE)
Hello John,
Electron is the solution.

Enable Electron's support in your app's configuration and compile (build) your app. You'll get the necessary batch files already available to ease your work.

Hope this can help.

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